'Dieu d'Amors - Malheur me bat' (Attributed to Ockeghem, Martini, Malcourt)
Blažíková, Mauillon / Live - Gent 2018
Robert Fayrfax (ca. 1462-1521)
"Benedicite! What dreamed I...?"
- When the World was Upside down
The Reuchlin Project - teaser video
16th c. Jewish/Christian chant.
"Chi Vuol Veder, Chi Vuol Servir..."
Live concert, Trigonale 2013
Thomas More (1478-1535)
/ Catalina Vicens (*1983)
"A Utopian Hymn"
from MORE : UTOPIA -
- When the World was Upside down
W. Chranekker (15th century)
"Sancta Katerina"
from Mother & Child programme
Organ Tablature MS Vienna 3617
from Mother & Child programme
"En wyflicht beildt ghestadt"
Anonymous 14th century
G. Dufay (c.1397-1474)
"Conditor Alme Siderum"
from Mother & Child programme
From programme Lamento
Live concert, Pforzheim 2016