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Servir Antico's 

Viewer-friendly Organology & Iconography Resource


a Voyage into the Organology & Imagination of the long Renaissance


By Catalina Vicens


In line with ensemble Servir Antico, my purpose is to bring the work of creative and visionary minds from the past (in form of music, literature and art) to the the spotlight and to transform it into inspiration for the future.


The idea here is to share musical images found in manuscripts, prints, paintings and sculpture as part of their artistic and functional context. In this site I don’t want to take the place of an art historian, and although I use iconography and organology as part of my research, it is not the intention of this site to serve as a form of research output.


There is religious related content in this site, but it does not serve any particular religious view.


Catalina Vicens

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